• Blog,  Writing Tips


    “When in doubt, leave it out.” I don’t remember my grandfather, but his sage advice (handed down to me by my Mother) has guided me through many complicated decisions. Lately, especially. I’m currently half-way through the first draft of my newest novel (praise the Lord!) and decided a few days ago to take a look over what I’d already written, just in case things needed a little fine-tuning before I plunged ahead. Needless to say, they did. 😊 If you’ve never written before or are new to the whole “authoring” process, please allow me to be the first to enlighten you: Editing is a good thing. Did you catch that?…

  • Blog,  Writing Tips


    “Why?” When I was growing up, this was the number one question my father taught me to ask. “If you don’t know the ‘why’ behind something,” he would say, “then there is no purpose.” I have come to discover he was right. In every arena of life, we must know the “why” behind what is being said or done or else all becomes meaningless, mindless rhetoric and response. Without purpose we have no reason for doing anything, and without a reason we will never have the zeal necessary to persevere and accomplish what we were made to do. And nowhere is this more true than in the field of writing.…